For Nigerian business:
Business Name
These are businesses registered with the CAC as Business Names. They have a BN number and are typically sole proprietorship businesses.
Documents required:
CAC Certificate: This is the certificate showing that you have registered the Business Name with the CAC.
Application For Registration of Business Name (Status Report).
You will also need to provide the information of the owner of the business (BVN, DOB, ID, signature, phone number, Next of kin details and address).
Utility bill of not over 3 months.
Tax Identification Number (TIN): This is a unique identification number issued to taxpayers by the FIRS.
SCUML: This is required depending on the business.
Incorporated Company
This is a business incorporated with the CAC with an RC number. They include Private and Public limited liability companies and companies limited by guarantee.
Documents required:
Certificate of Incorporation: Certificate showing that the company is duly incorporated.
Memorandum and Articles of Association (MEMAT) or Form Co2: This contains allotment of shares.
Application For Registration of Company (Status Report) or Form Co7: This contains the details of the directors.
Tax Identification Number(TIN): This is a unique identification number issued to taxpayers by the FIRS.
You will also need to provide information of all the directors of your business (BVN, DOB, ID, signature, phone number, Next of kin details and address).
Utility bill of not over 3 months.
SCUML: This is required depending on the business.
Incorporated Trustees
These are businesses that are registered with the CAC as incorporated trustees. These businesses have an RC/BN number. Examples of businesses with this registration type include NGOs, religious organizations, professional associations, etc.
βDocuments required:
Certificate of incorporation or Copy of Certificate of registration with the body.
Deed of appointment of the trustee or Status Report which contains the details of the appointed trustees.
You will also need to provide information about the Signatories and trustees (BVN, DOB, ID, signature, phone number, Next of kin details and address).
Bye Law/ constitution of the organization.
Tax Identification Number(TIN) where applicable.
Utility bill of not over 3 months.
SCUML: This is required depending on the organization.
For Zambian business:
To open an account with Lenco by BroadPay, you will need to provide some Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.
Documents required:
Certificate of incorporation.
Form III / Articles of Association / Latest PARCRA printout (not older than 3 months).
Website URL/Apk.
Directors' IDs.
Corporate bank account details.
Any additional necessary documents.
Churches / Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Documents required:
Zambian Kwacha Account
Certificate from Registrar of Societies
IDs of Chairpersons / Directors
Business Name
Documents required:
Certificate of registration
Proof of residence
Website URL/APK
Bank account details
Documents required:
Proof of residence
Website URL/APK
Bank account details