To Install, Configure, and Use the Plugin, kindly follow these steps:
Upload the Plugin to WordPress.
Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
Navigate to Plugins.
Click on 'Add New'.
Then, click on Upload Plugin.
Select the Plugin ZIP file and click on Install Now.
Once Installed, click on Activate.
PS: You can get the Plugin ZIP file from the Lenco github repo.
2. Access Plugin Settings.
Go to WooCommerce.
Click on 'Settings'.
Then, click on Payments.
Kindly find 'Lenco Payment Gateway' and click on Manage.
3. Configure Settings.
Enable/Disable: Kindly 'Check' the box to enable the Lenco Payment Gateway.
Description: Enter a description that will be shown to customers during checkout.
Lenco Public Key: Enter your Lenco public key (the sandbox pub is set by default). This is required to authenticate your transactions.
Payment Channels: Select the payment channels you want to enable (card, or mobile money) Please note that both are set by default.
Success Redirect URL: Enter the URL where customers will be redirected after a successful payment. It Redirects to the store by default.
Failure Redirect URL: Enter the URL where customers will be redirected after a failed payment. It Redirects to the store by default
Currency: Select the currency for transactions (e.g., Zambian Kwacha, Euro, British Pound, US Dollar, South African Rand).
Environment: Select the environment for transactions (Production or Sandbox). Please note that the environment is set to sandbox by default.